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发布时间: 2013-01-19
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 7




中文名: 无线通信研究中的新方向原名: New Directions in Wireless Communications Research 作者: Vahid Tarokh资源格式: PDF版本: 文字版出版社: Springer书号: 144190672X发行时间: 2009年09月04日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 本书章节由领域内的学术带头人编写,是在无线通信领域中学习和实践人员的宝贵参考资料.本书提供了当前学术界感兴趣的问题的最新消息,如传感器网络,网络编码,认知网络等等. 目录: Chapter 1 Measurement and Modeling of Wireless ChannelsChapter 2 OFDM: Principles and ChallengesChapter 3 Recent Advances in Low-Correlation SequencesChapter 4 Resource Allocation in Wireless SystemsChapter 5 Iterative Receivers and Their Graphical ModelsChapter 6 Fundamentals of Multi-user MIMO CommunicationsChapter 7 Collaborative BeamformingChapter 8 CooperativeWireless NetworksChapter 9 Interference Rejection and ManagementChapter 10 Cognitive Radio: From Theory to Practical Network EngineeringChapter 11 Coded Bidirectional Relaying in Wireless NetworksChapter 12 Minimum Cost Subgraph Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Multicasts with Network CodingChapter 13 Ultra Mobile Broadband (UMB)Chapter 14 Mobile WiMAXChapter 15 An Overview of 3GPP Long-Term Evolution Radio AccessNetwork
