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发布时间: 2013-01-20
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文名: CentOS宝典原名: CentOS Bible别名: CentOS,Linux,Bible,宝典作者: Christopher Negus, Timothy Boronczyk资源格式: PDF版本: 第1版出版社: Wiley书号: 978-0-470-48165-3发行时间: 2009年地区: 美国语言: 英文简介:  CentOS (Community Enterprise Operating System)  社区企业操作系统  redhat.com发布redhat 9(简写为rh9)后,不再开发redhat 10,11...,全面转向redhat enterprise linux(简写为rhel)的开发,和以往不同的是,新的rhel 3要求用户先购买lisence,redhat.com承诺保证产品的稳定性,安全性。rhel 3二进制代码不再提供下载,而是作为redhat 服务的一部分,但源代码依然是open。所以有了centos ,whitebox,dao 等等一批open source的企业版本,其中centos最为活跃。  CentOS计划所推出──全名为"社区企业操作系统"(Community Enterprise Operating System)的这个计划是在2003年红帽决定不再提供免费的技术支持及产品认证之后的部份"红帽重建者"(Red Hat rebuilders)之一。  CentOS和Linueox、组装Linux (White box Linux)、Tao Linux 、X/OS Linux,及科学Linux (Scientific Linux)等都以红帽所发布的源代码原件重建Red Hat Enterprise Linux的翻版,并修正了已经发现了的redhat的bug。  CentOS是"Caos Linux"独立计划的一个分枝,在Lawrence Berkeley 国家实验室担任管理员与程序设计师的Kurtzer 表示。但后来Caos基金会最受欢迎的计划变成是RHEL的重建。Authoritative guide to a rapidly growing Linux distributionThis is one of the first, if not the first comprehensive guide to the CentOS Linux operating system. Linux guru Tim Bornocyzyk, thoroughly covers the topic whether you're a Linux novice or a regular who now wants to master this increasingly popular distribution.First find out how to install and configure CentOS. From there, you'll cover a wealth of Linux and CentOS tools, functions, and techniques, including: how to work in the GNOME and KDE desktop environments; how to use the Linux shell, file system, and text editor; how to configure CUPS printers, Samba for file and printer sharing and other features using GUI tools; and more.CentOS (Community ENTerprise Operating System) is a Linux operating system maintained by a small team of core developers based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)Lead author Christopher Negus is the bestselling Linux author of such books as Fedora 10 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux Bible and Linux 2009 Edition Bible; he is also a member of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux training teamTech edited by key member of the CentOS development team, Ralph Angenendt, and foreword written by lead CentOS developer, Karanbir Singh.Learn how to set up users, automate system tasks, back up and restore files, and prepare for the latest security issues and threats; also learn how to use and customize the desktop menus, icons, window manager, and xterm; and how to create and publish formatted documentsExplores available Linux multimedia applications for graphics, audio, video and CD burningThe DVD includes complete copy of the most current CentOS Distribution – CentOS 5.3For getting the most out of CentOS Linux, this is the book you need to succeed. 目录: Introduction.Part I Getting Started.Chapter 1: An Overview of CentOS.Chapter 2: Installing CentOS.Chapter 3: Getting Started with the Desktop.Chapter 4: Using Linux Commands.Part II Using CentOS.Chapter 5: Accessing and Running Applications.Chapter 6: Publishing with CentOS.Chapter 7: Music, Video, and Images in Linux.Chapter 8: Using the Internet and the Web.Part III Adminstration.Chapter 9: Understanding System Administration.Chapter 10: Setting up and Maintaining User Accounts.Chapter 11: Automating System Tasks.Chapter 12: Creating Backups and Restoring Data.Chapter 13: Security.Part IV Networking.Chapter 14: Setting Up Network Connections and LANs.Chapter 15: Setting Up an Internet Connection.Chapter 16: Setting Up Printers and Printing.Chapter 17: Setting Up a File Server.Chapter 18: Setting Up a Mail Server.Chapter 19: Setting Up an FTP Server.Chapter 20: Setting Up a Web Server.Chapter 21: Setting Up an LDAP Address Book Server.Chapter 22: Setting Up a DHCP Boot Server.Chapter 23: Setting Up a MySQL Database Server.Chapter 24: Making Servers Public with DNS.Appendix A: About the Media.Index.
