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中文名: 无线通信 (第2版)原名: Wireless Communications, 2nd Edition作者: Andreas F. Molisch资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版出版社: Wiley-IEEE书号: 978-0-470-74186-3发行时间: 2011年01月地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:Wireless communications has grown rapidly over the past decade from a niche market into one of the most important, fast moving industries. Fully updated to incorporate the latest research and developments, Wireless Communications, Second Edition provides an authoritative overview of the principles and applications of mobile communication technology.The author provides an in-depth analysis of current treatment of the area, addressing both the traditional elements, such as Rayleigh fading, BER in flat fading channels, and equalisation, and more recently emerging topics such as multi-user detection in CDMA systems, MIMO systems, and cognitive radio. The dominant wireless standards; including cellular, cordless and wireless LANs; are discussed. 目录: Part I INTRODUCTION.1 Applications and Requirements of Wireless Services.2 Technical Challenges of Wireless Communications.3 Noise- and Interference-Limited Systems.Part II WIRELESS PROPAGATION CHANNELS.4 Propagation Mechanisms.5 Statistical Description of the Wireless Channel.6 Wideband and Directional Channel Characterization.7 Channel Models.8 Channel Sounding.9 Antennas.Part III TRANSCEIVERS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING.10 Structure of a Wireless Communication Link.11 Modulation Formats.12 Demodulation.13 Diversity.14 Channel Coding and Information Theory.15 Speech Coding (Gernot Kubin).16 Equalizers.Part IV MULTIPLE ACCESS AND ADVANCED TRANSCEIVER SCHEMES.17 Multiple Access and the Cellular Principle.18 Spread Spectrum Systems.19 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).20 Multiantenna Systems.Part V STANDARDIZED WIRELESS SYSTEMS.21 Cognitive Radio.22 Relaying, Multi-Hop, and Cooperative Communications.23 Video Coding (Anthony Vetro).24 GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications.25 IS-95 and CDMA 2000.26 WCDMA/UMTS.27 3GPP Long-Term Evolution.28 WiMAX/IEEE 802.16.29 Wireless Local Area Networks.30 Exercises
