资源大小: 4.29MB
发布时间: 2013-01-16
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 5




内容简介If you’ve asked yourself “Why can’t I develop database and XML queries in a language I already know?”, then Language INtegrated Query, or LINQ, is for you. LINQ For Dummies introduces you to LINQ and the .NET Framework technologies, so you can use LINQ to query any object, any data set, any kind of XML, and SQL Server—no questions asked.This plain-English guide gives you a thorough overview of LINQ, from understanding the tasks it performs to making LINQ work with both Visual Basic and Visual Studio 2005. It explains the four LINQ providers in the .NET Framework, the easiest ways to go about accessing data, and how to write more efficient applications with less code using LINQ. There’s also clear guidance on combining third-party providers with LINQ to create even more powerful apps. With this single, comprehensive guide, you’ll discover how to:* Use one query language with all Microsoft languages* Examine .NET language extensions and work with extension methods, partial methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions* LINQ to DataSet operators, SQL server operations, XML API, or Active Directory* Deal with databases — download and install the Northwind database, generate Northwind entity classes, and create the Northwind XML mapping file* Create the partial class example, the partial method example, and the database modification example* Use objects with LINQ* Query databases in Visual Basic and C# LINQ,语言集成查询(Language INtegrated Query)是一组用于c#和Visual Basic语言的扩展。它允许编写C#或者Visual Basic代码以查询数据库相同的方式操作内存数据。傻瓜的LINQ 向您介绍LINQ以及NET Framework的技术,你可以使用LINQ来查询任何数据集,任何类型的XML和SQL Server以及如何编写LINQ代码等。
