资源大小: 10.93MB
发布时间: 2013-01-18
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 7




内容简介Discover new security features and easier installationLight up your system with a new resource manager, volume manager, and directory serverIn the dark about Solaris 9? Open this book and let the sun shine in! It'll help you chart a course for StarOffice, explore CDE and GNOME desktops, and harness Solaris power to configure Web servers, access Internet services, build great Web sites, manage files and directories, and a galaxy of other tasks.The Dummies Way* Explanations in plain English* "Get in, get out" information* Icons and other navigational aids* Tear-out cheat sheet* Top ten lists* A dash of humor and fun Solaris 是Sun Microsystems研发的计算机 操作系统。它被认为是UNIX操作系统的衍生版本之一。打开这本书,它可以帮助你为StarOffice设置图表课程,探索CDE和GNOME,以及利用Solaris配置Web服务器,接入互联网服务,打造优秀的Web站点,管理文件和目录,以及其他
