资源大小: 8.87MB
发布时间: 2013-01-18
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 8




内容简介As a Web developer, you’ve probably heard a lot about Jakarta Struts, the popular open source framework for creating Web applications in Java. Struts is the de facto standard for Java-based Web applications; in fact, some people consider it the yardstick by which all other Web application frameworks are measured.The Struts framework is based on a classic Model-View-Controller (MVC) design paradigm that combines Java servlets, Java Server Pages (JSP), custom tags, and message resources into a unified framework. Jakarta Struts For Dummies will get you up and running with Struts in a hurry, so you can* Control the business logic of your applications* Design the view for JavaServer Pages* Validate data* Use tiles to dynamically create pages* Secure and troubleshoot your applications, and more Jakarta Struts saves you coding time and helps you create an extensible development environment. Jakarta Struts For Dummies provides the information you need when you need it, and even lets you get your feet wet right away by creating a special “jump start” application in Part I. Jakarta Struts For Dummies helps you* Understand and apply the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern* Integrate Struts into a Web application environment* Use tag libraries to simplify your JSP pages* Maintain control with effective security features* Internationalize Web applications with a feature that creates easy-to-update text content, so international viewers can see pages in their own languages* Represent all types of data, from one or two items to a huge and complex database* Extend Jakarta’s functionality with plug-ins* Use logging to help you troubleshoot an application Jakarta Struts节省您的编码时间,并帮助你创建一个可扩展的开发环境。傻瓜Struts提供所需的信息帮助您*控制您的应用程序*设计为JavaServer网页浏览*验证数据*使用Tiles来动态创建网页*安全和解决您的应用程序*理解和运用模型视图控制器(MVC)设计模式*集成Struts为Web应用程序环境*使用标签库来简化你的JSP页面以及更多
