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发布时间: 2012-12-28
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中文名: WCF服务编程 (第3版)原名: Programming WCF Services, 3rd Edition作者: Juval Lowy资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码出版社: O'Reilly书号: 978-0-596-80548-7发行时间: 2010年08月地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:Programming WCF Services is the authoritative, bestselling guide to Microsoft's unified platform for developing modern service-oriented applications on Windows. Hailed as the definitive treatment of WCF, this book provides unique insight, rather than documentation, to help you learn the topics and skills you need for building WCF-based applications that are maintainable, extensible, and reusable.作者介绍:Author Juval Löwy -- one of the world's top .NET experts -- revised this edition to include the newest productivity-enhancing features of .NET Framework 4 and the Azure AppFabric Service Bus, as well as the latest WCF ideas and techniques. By teaching you the why and the how of WCF programming, Programming WCF Services will help you master WCF and make you a better software engineer. 目录: Chapter 1 WCF EssentialsChapter 2 Service ContractsChapter 3 Data ContractsChapter 4 Instance ManagementChapter 5 OperationsChapter 6 FaultsChapter 7 TransactionsChapter 8 Concurrency ManagementChapter 9 Queued ServicesChapter 10 SecurityChapter 11 The Service BusAppendix Introduction to Service OrientationAppendix Headers and ContextsAppendix DiscoveryAppendix Publish-Subscribe ServiceAppendix Generic InterceptorAppendix WCF Coding StandardAppendix ServiceModelEx Catalog
