本书是一本关于卡尔曼滤波器以及随机过程的英文原版书,这是2008年出版的最新版本。本书的特点是介绍了MATLAB在最优滤波和随机过程中的应用。ch1 general informationch2 linear dynamic systemsch3 random processes and stochastic systemsch4 linear optimal filters and predictorsch5 nonlinear applicationsch6 implememtation methodsch7 practical considerationsappendix A MATLAB softwareappendis B a matrix refresher
Kalman Filtering- Theory and Practice Using MATLAB.pdf
Linear Regulators: Theory of Operation and Compensation.pdf
Pragmatic Version Control Using Git.pdf
algebraic L theory and topological manifold.pdf
SOA Management Best Practices.pdf
Machine Learning Neural and Statistical by D. Michie.pdf
mastering Data Warehouse Design.pdf
Kalman FilteringTheory and Practice Using MATLAB (second edition).pdf