资源大小: 4KB
发布时间: 2011-01-11
文件格式: rar
下载次数: 3




Design and write a Java class named SalesArray.java that will: 1. Declare a two-dimensional integer array named sales. Populate the first four columns using the following data. Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter3 Quarter 4 TotalDept. 1 750 660 910 800 Dept. 2 800 700 950 900 Dept. 3 700 600 750 600 Dept. 4 850 800 1000 950 Dept. 5 900 800 960 980 Total 2. Write a loop to compute and populate the total column. Within the loop, dispaly each department total as it is computed.3. Write a loop to comp
