资源大小: 2.86MB
发布时间: 2008-12-05
文件格式: rar
下载次数: 0




共2个压缩包,这是第1个ForewordData affects just about every aspect of our lives. Everything we do is analyzed, scrutinized,and delivered back to us in the form of coupons and other marketing materials. Whenyou write an application, you can be sure that data in one form or another will be part ofthe solution. As software developers, the ease with which we can store, retrieve, andanalyze data is crucial to our ability to develop compelling applications. Add to that thefact that data can come in a number of different shapes and formats, and it quickly comesto light that there is tremendous value in a consistent framework for accessing manytypes of data.Several different data access approaches have been developed for Windows developersover the years. ADO and OLEDB and subsequently ADO.NET gave us universal access torelational databases. MSXML and ADO.NET made it possible to inspect and manipulateXML documents. Each of these technologies had their benefits and drawbacks, but onecommon thread ran through each of them: They failed to deliver data access capabilitiesin a way that felt natural to developers.LINQ now makes data access a first-class programming concept in .NET, making it possiblefor developers to express queries in a way that makes sense to developers. What makesLINQ unique is that it enables programmers to create type-safe data access code completewith Intellisense support and compile time syntax checking.Paul Kimmel has done an excellent job of presenting LINQ in a concise and completemanner. Not only has he made LINQ approachable, but he has also masterfully explainedconcepts such as Anonymous Types and Lambda Expressions that help make LINQ areality. The sample code throughout the book demonstrates the application of the technologyin a clear and meaningful way. This is a great “Saturday morning with a pot ofcoffee” kind of book. I hope you’ll dive in and get as much out of this book as I did.Darryl HoganArchitect Evangelist, Microsoft
