资源大小: 940KB
发布时间: 2009-04-08
文件格式: rar
下载次数: 0




Silverlight多文件(大文件)上传项目源码一个免费的SL多文件上传,支持大文件上传Features(特色):- Select multiple files to upload (选择多文件上传)- Upload multiple files at the same time (asynchonous)(一次上传多文件,异步刷新)- Cancel a single upload, or clear the full list(可以取消单个上传或清空上传列表)- Shows the overall progress(显示所有上传进度条)- Error notification when upload failed(上传错误会有提示)For developers / webmasters(对于开发者或者网管):- Configure file extension filter (for example, only .jpg files) (配置支持的格式,如仅仅支持jpg)- Configure maximum file size (设置最大上传尺寸)- Configure the number of simultaneous uploads (设置一次最多上传数量)- Input for custom parameters (输入自定义参数)- Basic webservice included - Change the default color by setting a single parameter(可以改变默认演示)- JavaScript events and properties for integration in your websiteFree Silverlight Multi File Uploader配置参数说明:MaxFileSizeKB: File size in KBs.(最大上传尺寸,以KB为单位)MaxUploads: Maximum number of simultaneous uploads(一次上传最多的文件数)FileFilter: File filter, for example ony jpeg use: FileFilter=Jpeg (*.jpg) |*.jpg(上传文件格式)CustomParam: Your custom parameter, anything here will be available in the WCF webserviceDefaultColor: The default color for the control, for example: LightBluePossible parameters:
