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中文名: 程序员应该知道的97件事原名: 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts作者: Kevlin Henney图书分类: 软件资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/EPUB/MOBI出版社: O'Reilly书号: 978-0596809485发行时间: 2010年02月19日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容简介:Get 97 short and extremely useful tips from some of the most experienced and respected practitioners in the industry, including Uncle Bob Martin, Scott Meyers, Dan North, Linda Rising, Udi Dahan, Neal Ford, and many more. They encourage you to stretch yourself by learning new languages, looking at problems in new ways, following specific practices, taking responsibility for your work, and becoming as good at the entire craft of programming as you possibly can.内容截图: 目录: Chapter 1 Act with PrudenceChapter 2 Apply Functional Programming PrinciplesChapter 3 Ask, "What Would the User Do?" (You Are Not the User)Chapter 4 Automate Your Coding StandardChapter 5 Beauty Is in SimplicityChapter 6 Before You RefactorChapter 7 Beware the ShareChapter 8 The Boy Scout RuleChapter 9 Check Your Code First Before Looking to Blame OthersChapter 10 Choose Your Tools with CareChapter 11 Code in the Language of the DomainChapter 12 Code Is DesignChapter 13 Code Layout MattersChapter 14 Code ReviewsChapter 15 Coding with ReasonChapter 16 A Comment on CommentsChapter 17 Comment Only What the Code Cannot SayChapter 18 Continuous LearningChapter 19 Convenience Is Not an -ilityChapter 20 Deploy Early and OftenChapter 21 Distinguish Business Exceptions from TechnicalChapter 22 Do Lots of Deliberate PracticeChapter 23 Domain-Specific LanguagesChapter 24 Don't Be Afraid to Break ThingsChapter 25 Don't Be Cute with Your Test DataChapter 26 Don't Ignore That Error!Chapter 27 Don't Just Learn the Language, Understand Its CultureChapter 28 Don't Nail Your Program into the Upright PositionChapter 29 Don't Rely on "Magic Happens Here"Chapter 30 Don't Repeat YourselfChapter 31 Don't Touch That Code!Chapter 32 Encapsulate Behavior, Not Just StateChapter 33 Floating-Point Numbers Aren't RealChapter 34 Fulfill Your Ambitions with Open SourceChapter 35 The Golden Rule of API DesignChapter 36 The Guru MythChapter 37 Hard Work Does Not Pay OffChapter 38 How to Use a Bug TrackerChapter 39 Improve Code by Removing ItChapter 40 Install MeChapter 41 Interprocess Communication Affects Application Response TimeChapter 42 Keep the Build CleanChapter 43 Know How to Use Command-Line ToolsChapter 44 Know Well More Than Two Programming LanguagesChapter 45 Know Your IDEChapter 46 Know Your LimitsChapter 47 Know Your Next CommitChapter 48 Large, Interconnected Data Belongs to a DatabaseChapter 49 Learn Foreign LanguagesChapter 50 Learn to EstimateChapter 51 Learn to Say, "Hello, World"Chapter 52 Let Your Project Speak for ItselfChapter 53 The Linker Is Not a Magical ProgramChapter 54 The Longevity of Interim SolutionsChapter 55 Make Interfaces Easy to Use Correctly and Hard to Use IncorrectlyChapter 56 Make the Invisible More VisibleChapter 57 Message Passing Leads to Better Scalability in Parallel SystemsChapter 58 A Message to the FutureChapter 59 Missing Opportunities for PolymorphismChapter 60 News of the Weird: Testers Are Your FriendsChapter 61 One BinaryChapter 62 Only the Code Tells the TruthChapter 63 Own (and Refactor) the BuildChapter 64 Pair Program and Feel the FlowChapter 65 Prefer Domain-Specific Types to Primitive TypesChapter 66 Prevent ErrorsChapter 67 The Professional ProgrammerChapter 68 Put Everything Under Version ControlChapter 69 Put the Mouse Down and Step Away from the KeyboardChapter 70 Read CodeChapter 71 Read the HumanitiesChapter 72 Reinvent the Wheel OftenChapter 73 Resist the Temptation of the Singleton PatternChapter 74 The Road to Performance Is Littered with Dirty Code BombsChapter 75 Simplicity Comes from ReductionChapter 76 The Single Responsibility PrincipleChapter 77 Start from YesChapter 78 Step Back and Automate, Automate, AutomateChapter 79 Take Advantage of Code Analysis ToolsChapter 80 Test for Required Behavior, Not Incidental BehaviorChapter 81 Test Precisely and ConcretelyChapter 82 Test While You Sleep (and over Weekends)Chapter 83 Testing Is the Engineering Rigor of Software DevelopmentChapter 84 Thinking in StatesChapter 85 Two Heads Are Often Better Than OneChapter 86 Two Wrongs Can Make a Right (and Are Difficult to Fix)Chapter 87 Ubuntu Coding for Your FriendsChapter 88 The Unix Tools Are Your FriendsChapter 89 Use the Right Algorithm and Data StructureChapter 90 Verbose Logging Will Disturb Your SleepChapter 91 WET Dilutes Performance BottlenecksChapter 92 When Programmers and Testers CollaborateChapter 93 Write Code As If You Had to Support It for the Rest of Your LifeChapter 94 Write Small Functions Using ExamplesChapter 95 Write Tests for PeopleChapter 96 You Gotta Care About the CodeChapter 97 Your Customers Do Not Mean What They SayAppendix ContributorsColophon
