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中文名: Solaris 10 系统基本管理原名: Solaris 10 System Administration Essentials作者: Solaris System Engineers资源格式: PDF出版社: Prentice Hall PTR书号: 9780137000098发行时间: 2009年12月03日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 3大企业级的UNIX系统中的一个(Sun Solaris, HP-UX, IBM-AIX)下载Solaris 10 操作系统http://cn.sun.com/practice/software/solaris/get.jspSolaris是在UNIX的发展过程中逐渐发展起来的。1969年AT&T贝尔实验室开发出了第一套UNIX操作系统,尽管这只是个单用户的操作系统,却标志着UNIX的诞生。UNIX发展的下一个里程碑是在1973年,当时在贝尔实验室的工作人员利用C语言重新编写了UNIX内核程序,这也是为什么C语言总是和UNIX联系在一起的原因。即使在今天,尽管已经有许多其他编程语言可以选择,但大多数UNIX应用仍是采用C语言进行编写的。到了1975年,伯克利大学发布了它的第一个UNIX软件,这个软件称为BSD。BSD UNIX在UNIX的历史发展中有相当大的影响力,被许多商家采用,成为很多商业UNIX的基础,而Sun公司的Solaris正是在这个BSD UNIX的基础上发展起来的。与此同时,AT&T贝尔实验室也在不断改变他们的商用UNIX版本。直到AT&T贝尔实验室在吸收了BSD UNIX已经有的各种优先特性,并结合其本身特点,推出了UNIX System V版本之后,才形成了BSD UNIX和UNIX System V两大主流UNIX系统。20世纪80年代初期,UNIX System V仍然主要由AT&T所拥有。但到1993年初,AT&T将开发UNIX系统的实验室(USL)卖给了Novell公司,UNIX即为 Novell所拥有。后来,Novell将自己的UNIX改名为UNIXWare,而将UNIX商标赠送给X/OPEN——一个由众多UNIX厂商组成的联盟,这样这个联盟内的所有成员均可以使用UNIX商标。从此以后,UNIX不再是专有产品了。System V对于UNIX平台的主要贡献包括:增强了Bourne shell功能,包括shell函数;支持STREAMS和TLI网络库;远程文件共享(RFS);改善了内存分页;应用了二进制接口(ABI)。由于Solaris最初是由伯克利大学的BSD派生出来的,因此,SunOS 4.x(常被称为Solaris1.x)的命令风格与其他的BSD非常相似,只是由于后来改用了System V的版本4(SVR4),才使得SunOS 5.x(也就是Solaris 2.x)发生了变化。SVR4与BSD UNIX的主要差别可以总结如下:Root脚本在System V中为/etc/init.d,在BSD中为/etc/rc.d。默认shell在System V中为Bourne shell,在BSD中为C shell。文件系统数据库在System V中为/etc/mnttab,在BSD中为/etc/mtab。内核名称在System V中为/UNIX,在BSD中为/vmUNIX。打印系统在System V中为lp,在BSD中为lpr。字符串函数在System V中为memcopy,在BSD中为bcopy。终端初始化在System V中为/etc/inittab,在BSD中为/etc/ttys。终端控制在System V中为termio,在BSD中为termios。而SunOS 5.x也逐渐被Solaris 2.x名称代替,在Solaris 2.6以后,Solaris 7(SunOS 5.7)开始改变它的版本编号方法,它以过去的小版本编号为基础,采用了单一版本号的形式。也就是说,Solaris的版本序号顺序为 2.5,2.6,7,8,9,10。Sun操作系统版本发展的时间顺序如下:1971年,第一个UNIX版本发布。1982年,Sun选择UNIX操作系统用于其第一个工作站。1983年,SunOS 1.0发布。1984年,Sun发明NFS技术。1985年,SunOS 2.0支持NFS技术。1988年,SunOS 4.0支持其第一个SPARC处理器和使用虚拟内存技术。1992年,Solaris 2发布,基于UNIX SVR4,并支持其第一款多处理器工作站。1992年,Solaris 2.1增加支持线程技术。1993年,Solaris 2.2增加支持对称多处理器技术。1995年,Solaris 2.5支持UltraSPARC工作站/服务器。1997年,Solaris 2.6支持1TB大文件。1998年,Solaris 7采用64位技术,支持Java。2000年,Solaris 8增加支持安全的企业级Web应用。2002年,Solaris 9服务提供平台,U5版支持CMT技术,并增加Sun Java企业系统。2005年,Solaris 10虚拟化OE,增加N1 Grid Container,DTrace等。2006年,Solaris 10增加了ZFS文件系统。其中,Solaris 10是最具有里程碑意义的。从此,Solaris走向了开源,代码不再由专门的Sun公司的操作系统专家所编写。也就是说,下一个版本的Solaris将是由开源社区的众多自由软件开发者编写的。 目录: ContentsPreface xviiAbout the Authors xxiChapter 1 Installing the Solaris 10 Operating System 11.1 Methods to Meet Your Needs 11.2 The Basics of Solaris Installation 21.2.1 Installing Solaris on a SPARC System 61.2.2 Installing Solaris on an x86 System 91.3 Solaris JumpStart Installation 131.3.1 Setting up a JumpStart Server 131.3.2 Creating a Profile Server for Networked Systems 141.3.3 Performing a Custom JumpStart Installation 221.4 Upgrading a Solaris System 251.5 Solaris Live Upgrade 26Chapter 2 Boot, Service Management, and Shutdown 332.1 Boot 332.1.1 The Bootloader 332.1.2 The Kernel 342.1.3 User-Mode Programs 342.1.4 GRUB Extensions 352.1.5 Modifying Boot Behavior 362.1.6 Run Levels 372.1.7 Troubleshooting 372.2 Service Management Facility 392.2.1 enabled 402.2.2 state, next_state, and state_time 402.2.3 logfile 412.2.4 dependency 412.2.5 How SMF Interacts with Service Implementations 422.2.6 The Service Configuration Facility 442.2.7 Health and Troubleshooting 442.2.8 Service Manifests 452.2.9 Backup and Restore of SCF Data 452.3 Shutdown 462.3.1 Application-Specific Shutdown 462.3.2 Application-Independent Shutdown 46Chapter 3 Software Management: Packages 473.1 Managing Software Packages 473.2 What Is a Package? 473.2.1 SVR4 Package Content 483.2.2 Package Naming Conventions 493.3 Tools for Managing Software Packages 493.4 Installing or Removing a Software Package with thepkgadd or pkgrm Command 503.5 Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages 513.5.1 How to Install Packages with the pkgaddCommand 513.5.2 Adding Frequently Installed Packages to a SpoolDirectory 543.5.3 Removing Software Packages 56Chapter 4 Software Management: Patches 594.1 Managing Software with Patches 594.2 What Is a Patch? 594.2.1 Patch Content 604.2.2 Patch Numbering 614.3 Patch Management Best Practices 614.3.1 Proactive Patch Management Strategy 624.3.2 Reactive Patch Management Strategy 684.3.3 Security Patch Management Strategy 704.3.4 Proactive Patching When Installing a New System 714.3.5 Identifying Patches for Proactive Patching andAccessing Patches 734.4 Example of Using Solaris Live Upgrade toInstall Patches 754.4.1 Overview of Patching with Solaris Live Upgrade 754.4.2 Planning for Using Solaris Live Upgrade 774.4.3 How to Apply a Patch When Using Solaris LiveUpgrade for the Solaris 10 8/07 Release 794.5 Patch Automation Tools 864.6 Overview of Patch Types 884.7 Patch README Special Instructions 934.7.1 When to Patch in Single-User Mode 934.7.2 When to Reboot After Applying or Removing a Patch 944.7.3 Patch Metadata for Non-Global Zones 954.8 Patch Dependencies (Interrelationships) 964.8.1 SUNW_REQUIRES Field for Patch Dependencies 964.8.2 SUNW_OBSOLETES Field for Patch Accumulationand Obsolescence 974.8.3 SUNW_INCOMPAT Field for Incompatibility 97Chapter 5 Solaris File Systems 995.1 Solaris File System Overview 995.1.1 Mounting File Systems 1005.1.2 Unmounting File Systems 1025.1.3 Using the /etc/vfstab File 1035.1.4 Determining a File System Type 1045.1.5 Monitoring File Systems 1055.2 UFS File Systems 1055.2.1 Creating a UFS File System 1065.2.2 Backing Up and Restoring UFS File Systems 1075.2.3 Using Quotas to Manage Disk Space 1085.2.4 Checking File System Integrity 1105.2.5 Using Access Control Lists 1125.2.6 Using UFS Logging 1135.2.7 Using Extended File Attributes 1155.2.8 Using Multiterabyte UFS File Systems 1155.2.9 Creating UFS Snapshots 1155.3 ZFS File System Administration 1175.3.1 Using Pools and File Systems 1185.3.2 Backing Up a ZFS File System 1205.3.3 Using Mirroring and Striping 1215.3.4 Using RAID-Z 1225.3.5 Using Copy-on-Write and Snapshots 1225.3.6 Using File Compression 1245.3.7 Measuring Performance 1245.3.8 Expanding a Pool 1255.3.9 Checking a Pool 1265.3.10 Replacing a Disk 1275.4 NFS File System Administration 1275.4.1 Finding Available NFS File Systems 1285.4.2 Mounting an NFS File System 1295.4.3 Unmounting an NFS File System 1295.4.4 Configuring Automatic File System Sharing 1305.4.5 Automounting File Systems 1305.5 Removable Media 1335.5.1 Using the PCFS File System 1355.5.2 Using the HSFS File System 1365.6 Pseudo File System Administration 1365.6.1 Using Swap Space 1365.6.2 Using the TMPFS File System 1385.6.3 Using the Loopback File System 139Chapter 6 Managing System Processes 1416.1 Overview 1416.1.1 State of a Process 1436.1.2 Process Context 1436.2 Monitoring the Processes 1456.2.1 Process Status: ps 1466.2.2 Grepping for Process: pgrep 1496.2.3 Process Statistics Summary: prstat 1496.2.4 Reap a Zombie Process: preap 1516.2.5 Temporarily Stop a Process: pstop 1526.2.6 Resuming a Suspended Process: prun 1526.2.7 Wait for Process Completion: pwait 1526.2.8 Process Working Directory: pwdx 1526.2.9 Process Arguments: pargs 1526.2.10 Process File Table: pfiles 1536.2.11 Process Libraries: pldd 1546.2.12 Process Tree: ptree 1546.2.13 Process Stack: pstack 1556.2.14 Tracing Process: truss 1566.3 Controlling the Processes 1586.3.1 The nice and renice Commands 1586.3.2 Signals 1596.4 Process Manager 1646.5 Scheduling Processes 1706.5.1 cron Utility 1716.5.2 The at Command 175Chapter 7 Fault Management 1797.1 Overview 1797.2 Fault Notification 1817.3 Displaying Faults 1827.4 Repairing Faults 1847.5 Managing Fault Management Log Files 1847.5.1 Automatic Log Rotation 1857.5.2 Manual Log Rotation 1867.5.3 Log Rotation Failures 1877.5.4 Examining Historical Log Files 1887.6 Managing fmd and fmd Modules 1887.6.1 Loading and Unloading Modules 1897.6.2 fmd Statistics 1917.6.3 Configuration Files 1927.7 Fault Management Directories 1937.8 Solaris Fault Management Downloadable Resources 1937.8.1 Solaris FMA Demo Kit 1937.8.2 Events Registry 194Chapter 8 Managing Disks 1978.1 Hard Disk Drive 1978.2 Disk Terminology 1998.3 Disk Device Naming Conventions 2008.3.1 Specifying the Disk Subdirectory in Commands 2028.4 Overview of Disk Management 2028.4.1 Device Driver 2028.4.2 Disk Labels (VTOC or EFI) 2038.4.3 Disk Slices 2058.4.4 Slice Arrangements on Multiple Disks 2078.4.5 Partition Table 2088.4.6 format Utility 2108.4.7 format Menu and Command Descriptions 2118.4.8 Partition Menu 2138.4.9 x86: fdisk Menu 2148.4.10 Analyze Menu 2158.4.11 Defect Menu 2178.5 Disk Management Procedures 2178.5.1 How to Identify the Disks on a System 2188.5.2 How to Determine If a Disk Is Formatted 2188.5.3 How to Format a Disk 2198.5.4 How to Identify a Defective Sector by Performing aSurface Analysis 2218.5.5 How to Repair a Defective Sector 2228.5.6 How to Display the Partition Table or SliceInformation 2238.5.7 Creating Disk Slices (Partitioning a Disk) andLabeling a Disk 2248.5.8 Creating a File System On a Disk 2288.5.9 Additional Commands to Manage Disks 229Chapter 9 Managing Devices 2359.1 Solaris Device Driver Introduction 2359.2 Analyzing Lack of Device Support 2369.2.1 Device Does Not Work 2369.2.2 Obtaining Information About Devices 2369.2.3 Obtaining Information About Drivers 2419.2.4 Does the Device Have a Driver? 2489.2.5 Current Driver Does Not Work 2509.2.6 Can a Driver for a Similar Device Work? 2509.3 Installing and Updating Drivers 2519.3.1 Backing Up Current Functioning Driver Binaries 2519.3.2 Package Installations 2529.3.3 Install Time Updates 2529.3.4 Manual Driver Binary Installation 2539.3.5 Adding a Device Driver to a Net Installation Image 2569.3.6 Adding a Device Driver to a CD/DVDInstallation Image 2629.3.7 Swapping Disks 2639.4 When Drivers Hang or Panic the System 2669.4.1 Device Driver Causes the System to Hang 2669.4.2 Device Driver Causes the System to Panic 2689.4.3 Device Driver Degrades System Performance 2699.5 Driver Administration Commands and Files 2709.5.1 Driver Administration Command Summary 2709.5.2 Driver Administration File Summary 272Chapter 10 Solaris Networking 27510.1 Introduction to Network Configuration 27510.1.1 Overview of the TCP/IP Networking Stack 27510.1.2 Configuring the Network as Superuser 27710.2 Setting Up a Network 27710.2.1 Components of the XYZ, Inc. Network 27710.2.2 Configuring the Sales Domain 28010.2.3 Configuring the Accounting Domain 28310.2.4 Configuring the Multihomed Host 28810.2.5 Setting Up a System for Static Routing 29610.2.6 Configuring the Corporate Domain 30010.2.7 Testing the Network Configuration 30210.3 Monitoring Network Performance 30410.3.1 dladm Command 30410.3.2 ifconfig Command 30510.3.3 netstat Command 30510.3.4 snoop Command 30710.3.5 traceroute Command 308Chapter 11 Solaris User Management 30911.1 Solaris Users, Groups, and Roles 30911.1.1 File System Object Permissions 31011.1.2 User Account Components 31211.1.3 User Management Tools 31311.1.4 User Management Files 31311.2 Managing Users and Groups 31411.2.1 Starting the Solaris Management Console 31411.2.2 Adding a Group and a User to Local Files 31511.2.3 Adding a Group and a User to an NIS Domain 31711.3 Managing Roles 31811.3.1 Changing root from a User to a Role 31811.3.2 Viewing the List of Roles 31911.3.3 Assigning a Role to a Local User 319Chapter 12 Solaris Zones 32112.1 Overview 32112.2 How Zones Work 32312.3 Branded Zones 32412.4 Network Interfaces in Zones 32412.5 Devices in Zones 32512.6 Packages and Patches in a Zones Environment 32512.7 Administering Zones 32612.7.1 Zone Configuration 32712.7.2 Viewing a Zone Configuration 33112.7.3 Zone Installation and Booting 33112.7.4 Zone Login Using the zlogin Command 33212.8 Halting, Uninstalling, Moving, and Cloning Zones 33312.9 Migrating a Zone to a New System 33412.10 Deleting a Zone 33612.11 Listing the Zones on a System 33612.12 Zones Usage Examples 33712.12.1 Adding a Dedicated Device to a Non-Global Zone 33712.12.2 How to Export Home Directories in the Global Zoneinto a Non-Global Zone 33712.12.3 Altering Privileges in a Non-Global Zone 33712.12.4 Checking the Status of SMF Services 33812.12.5 Modifying CPU, Swap, and Locked Memory Capsin Zones 33812.12.6 Using the Dtrace Program in a Non-Global Zone 339Chapter 13 Using Naming Services 34113.1 Using Naming Services (DNS, NIS, AND LDAP) 34113.1.1 Naming Service Cache Daemon (nscd) 34213.1.2 DNS Naming Services 34213.1.3 NIS Naming Services 34213.1.4 LDAP Naming Services 34313.1.5 Organizational Use of Naming Services 34313.1.6 Network Database Sources 34413.2 Name Service Switch File 34713.2.1 Configuring the Name Service Switch File 34713.2.2 Database Status and Actions 34913.3 DNS Setup and Configuration 35013.3.1 Resolver Files 35013.3.2 Steps DNS Clients Use to Resolve Names 35013.4 NIS Setup and Configuration 35113.4.1 Setting Up NIS Clients 35113.4.2 Working with NIS Maps 35213.5 LDAP Setup and Configuration 35613.5.1 Initializing a Client Using Per-User Credentials 35713.5.2 Configuring an LDAP Client 35913.5.3 Using Profiles to Initialize an LDAP Client 36213.5.4 Using Proxy Credentials to Initialize an LDAP Client 36213.5.5 Initializing an LDAP Client Manually 36313.5.6 Modifying a Manual LDAP Client Configuration 36313.5.7 Troubleshooting LDAP Client Configuration 36413.5.8 Uninitializing an LDAP Client 36413.5.9 Initializing the Native LDAP Client 36413.5.10 LDAP API Entry Listings 36813.5.11 Troubleshooting Name Service Information 368Chapter 14 Solaris Print Administration 36914.1 Overview of the Solaris Printing Architecture 36914.2 Key Concepts 37014.2.1 Printer Categories (Local and Remote Printers) 37014.2.2 Printer Connections (Directly Attached and Network Attached) 37014.2.3 Description of a Print Server and a Print Client 37114.3 Solaris Printing Tools and Services 37114.3.1 Solaris Print Manager 37114.3.2 LP Print Service 37114.3.3 PostScript Printer Definitions File Manager 37214.4 Network Protocols 37214.4.1 Berkeley Software Distribution Protocol 37214.4.2 Transmission Control Protocol 37214.4.3 Internet Printing Protocol 37314.4.4 Server Message Block Protocol 37314. 5 Planning for Printer Setup 37314. 5.1 Print Server Requirements 37314. 5.2 Locating Information About Supported Printers 37414. 5.3 Locating Information About Available PPD Files 37514. 5.4 Adding a New PPD File to the System 37514. 5.5 Adding Printers in a Naming Service 37714. 5.6 Printer Support in the Naming Service Switch 37714. 5.7 Enabling Network Listening Services 37814.6 Setting Up Printers with Solaris Printer Manager 37914.6.1 Assigning Printer Definitions 37914.6.2 Starting Solaris Print Manager 38014.6.3 Setting Up a New Directly Attached Printer With Solaris Print Manager 38114.6.4 Setting Up a New Network-Attached Printer with Solaris Print Manager 38114.7 Setting Up a Printer on a Print Client with Solaris Print Manager 38514.7.1 Adding Printer Access With Solaris Print Manager 38514.8 Administering Printers by Using LP Print Commands 38514.8.1 Frequently Used LP Print Commands 38614.8.2 Using the lpstat Command 38614.8.3 Disabling and Enabling Printers 38714.8.4 Accepting or Rejecting Print Requests 38714.8.5 Canceling a Print Request 38814.8.6 Moving Print Requests from One Printer to Another Printer 38914.8.7 Deleting a Printer 39014.9 Troubleshooting Printing Problems 39214.9.1 Troubleshooting No Output (Nothing Prints) 39214.9.2 Checking That the Print Scheduler Is Running 39314.9.3 Debugging Printing Problems 39314.9.4 Checking the Printer Network Connections 394Index 395
