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中文名: 计算理论书籍合集原名: Computation Theory Book Collection作者: Shawn HedmanMadhu SudanHerbert S. Wilf 等资源格式: PDF出版社: Oxford University Press, Springer等书号: 0198529805地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 目录: 01. A first Course in Logic An Introduction To Model Theory Proof Theory Computability And Complexity - Shawn Hedman(djvu)02. Advanced Complexity Theory Lctn - Madhu Sudan(pdf)03. Algorithm and Complexity Lctn - Herbert S. Wilf(pdf)04. Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook - Mikhail J. Atallah(djvu)05. An Introduction to Formal Language Theory that Integrates Experimentation and Proof - Allen Stoughton(pdf)06. An Introduction To Recursive Function Theory -Nigel Cutland(pdf)07. An Introduction to the Theory of Computation - Eitan Gurari(pdf)08. CLASSICAL RECURSION THEORY The Theory of Functions and Sets of Natural Numbers - Piergiorgio Odifreddi(djvu)09. Complexity of Algorithms Lctn - Peter Gacs(pdf)10. Computation Complexity Lctn - Laszlo Lovasz(pdf)11. Computational Complexity - Christos Papadimitriou(djvu)12. Computational Complexity A Conceptual Perspective - Oded Goldreich(pdf)13. Computational Complexity A Modern Approach - Sanjeev Arora(pdf)14. Computers And Intractability A Guide To The Theory Of Np-Completeness - Michael Garey(djvu)15. Elementary Recursion Theory and its Applications to Formal Systems - Saul Kripke(pdf)16. Elemnts Of The Theory Of Computation 2d ed - Harry Lewis(djvu)17. Essentials of Theoretical Computer Science - F. D. Lewis(pdf)18. Goldreich O. Introduction to Complexity Theory (lectures, 1999)(T)(375s)(djvu)19. Goldreich O. Introduction to complexity theory, lecture notes (1999)(375s)(pdf)20. Introduction To Automata Theory Languages , and Computation - John Hopcroft(djvu)21. Introduction to Complexity Theory Lecture Notes - Oded Goldreich(pdf)22. Introduction To The Theory Of Computation - Michael Sipser(djvu)23. Kolmogorov Complexity and Computational Complexity - Osamu Watanabe(djvu)24. Lecture Notes for Introduction to Theory of Computation - Robert Daley(pdf)25. Lecture Notes On Algorithm Analysis And Computation Complexity 4th ed - Ian Parberry(pdf)26. Lewis H.R., Papadimitriou C.H. Elements of the Theory of Computation (2ed., PH, 1998)(ISBN 0132624788)(K)(T)(375s)(djvu)27. Models of Computation - An Introduction to Computability Theory (Undergrad Topics in CS), Springer (2009)(pdf)28. Oxford University Press - A First Course in Logic - An Introduction to Model, Proof Theory, Computability, and Complexity - 2006(pdf)29. Parallel Complexity Theory - Ian Parberry(pdf)30. Recursion Theory for Metamathematics - RAYMOND M. SMULLYAN(djvu)31. Rothe J. Complexity theory and cryptology.. an introduction to cryptocomplexity (TTCS, Springer, 2005)(ISBN 3540221476)(487s)(pdf)32. Springer - Computational Probability - Algorithms and Applications in the Mathematical Sciences - 2008(pdf)33. The Complexity of Boolean Functions - Ingo Wegener(pdf)34. The Computational Complexity of Machine Learning - Michael J. Kearns(pdf)35. Theory of Computation Lecture Notes - Abhijat Vichare(pdf)
