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发布时间: 2013-01-22
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 3




中文名: Photoshop元素聚焦原名: Focus On Photoshop Elements作者: David Asch资源格式: PDF版本: 插图版出版社: F..al Press书号: 0240814452发行时间: 2011年3月10日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 图书简介Are you bewildered by the advanced editing options available in Photoshop Elements? Do you want to get the most out of your image without going bleary-eyed in front of a computer screen?This handy guide will explain the ins and outs of using Photoshop Elements, without having to spend hours staring at the screen. Using a fabulous combination of easy-to-follow advice and step-by-step instructions, Focus On Photoshop Elements gives great advice on setting up, storing and sharing your image library and teaches you the basics of RAW image processing and color correction, plus shows you how to edit and retouch your images for stunning results. These simple tweaks and adjustments will take your images from so-so to amazing - and fast! Packed with inspiring photographs, this guide focuses on your needs as a photographer and nothing else. No nonsense guide to getting the most out of your images using Photoshop Elements 你是通过先进的编辑选项在Photoshop Elements提供困惑? 你想获得足不出户在电脑屏幕前睡眼惺忪您的图像最大效益?这个方便的指南将解释,而不必花费数小时盯着屏幕插件和使用Photoshop元素,出局。 采用了易于遵循的意见和分步说明,在Photoshop元素焦点给出了设置,存储和分享您的图片库非常好的建议,教你的原始图像处理和色彩校正的基本知识,加上精彩的组合告诉您如何修改和润饰惊人的结果图像。 这些简单的调整和调整,从马马虎虎图片到惊人的 - 快!便携与鼓舞人心的照片,本指南重点介绍作为一个摄影师,别无其他您的需求。 没有废话的指南,它将让您最有效地使用Photoshop图像元素 。
