资源大小: 94.65MB
发布时间: 2013-05-12
文件格式: 7z
下载次数: 0




☆ 资源说明:☆The SQL Toolbelt allows developers and DBAs to gain access to our essential SQL Server tools. This means that when you are working with SQL Server databases, you can finally have the most powerful set of tools right there to hand, when you need them.The SQL Toolbelt contains:SQL Compare ProCompares and synchronizes SQL Server database schemasSQL Data Compare ProCompares and synchronizes SQL Server database contentsSQL Source ControlConnect your existing source control system to SQL ServerSQL Prompt ProWrite, edit, and explore SQL effortlesslySQL Data GeneratorTest data generator for SQL Server databasesSQL PackagerPackages a database for deployment or updateSQL Dependency TrackerVisualizes SQL Server object dependenciesSQL DocDocument SQL Server databasesSQL Multi Script UnlimitedSingle-click script execution on multiple serversSQL Backup ProCompress, securely encrypt and strengthen backups - fastSQL MonitorSQL Server performance monitoring and alertingSQL Comparison SDKAutomate comparison and synchronization tasksSQL Object Level Recovery NativeRecover database objects from SQL Server backupsSQL SearchSearch within SQL Server database schemas
