资源大小: 6.74MB
发布时间: 2012-12-30
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 8




中文名: ASP.NET 4.0 实战原名: ASP.NET 4.0 in Practice作者: Daniele BochicchioStefano MostardaMarco De Sanctis资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码出版社: Manning书号: 9781935182467发行时间: 2011年05月地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:ASP.NET is a massive framework that requires a large amount of know-how from developers. Fortunately, this book distills over 100 practical ASP.NET techniques from the experience of a team of MVPs, and puts them right at your fingertips.The techniques are tested and selected for their usefulness, and they are all presented in a simple problem-solution-discussion format. You'll discover methods for key new subjects like data integration with Entity Framework and ASP.NET MVC. Along the way, you'll also find ways to make your applications fast and secure. 目录: Part 1 ASP.NET Fundamentals1 Getting acquainted with ASP.NET 4.02 Data access reloaded: Entity Framework3 Integrating Entity Framework and ASP.NETPart 2 ASP.NET Web Forms4 Building the user interface with ASP.NET Web Forms5 Data binding in ASP.NET Web Forms6 Custom controls7 Taking control of markupPart 3 ASP.NET MVC8 Introducing ASP.NET MVC9 Customizing and extending ASP.NET MVCPart 4 Security10 ASP.NET security11 ASP.NET authentication and authorizationPart 5 Advanced topics12 Ajax and RIAs with ASP.NET 4.013 State14 Caching in ASP.NET15 Extreme ASP.NET 4.016 Performance and optimizationsappendix A ASP.NET and IIS 7.xappendix B Data access fundamentalsindex
