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发布时间: 2012-12-31
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中文名: Windows Powershell 实战 (第2版)原名: Windows PowerShell in Action, 2nd Edition作者: Bruce Payette资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码出版社: Manning书号: 9781935182139发行时间: 2011年05月地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:This expanded, revised, and updated Second Edition preserves the original's crystal-clear introduction to PowerShell and adds extensive coverage of v2 features such as advanced functions, modules, and remoting. It includes full chapters on these topics and also covers new language elements and operators, events, Web Services for Management, and the PowerShell Integrated Scripting Environment.The First Edition's coverage of batch scripting and string processing, COM, WMI, and .NET have all been significantly revised and expanded. The book includes many popular usage scenarios and is rich in interesting examples that will spark your imagination. This is the definitive book on PowerShell v2!目录: PART 1 Learning PowerShell1 Welcome to PowerShell2 Foundations of PowerShell3 Working with types4 Operators and expressions5 Advanced operators and variables6 Flow control in scripts7 PowerShell functions8 Advanced functions and scripts9 Using and authoring modules10 Module manifests and metadata11 Metaprogramming with scriptblocks and dynamic code12 Remoting and background jobs13 Remoting: configuring applications and services14 Errors and exceptions15 The PowerShell ISE and debuggerPART 2 Using PowerShell16 Working with files, text, and XML17 Extending your reach with .NET18 Working with COM19 Management objects: WMI and WS-MAN20 Responding in real time with eventing21 Security, security, security
