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发布时间: 2013-01-04
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 2




中文名: iBatis实战原名: iBatis in Action作者: Clinton BeginBrandon GoodinLarry Meadors资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/更新源代码出版社: Manning Publications书号: 978-1932394825发行时间: 2007年01月24日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:iBATIS in Action teaches Java developers and architects how to use the iBATIS framework to map relational databases to object-oriented programs. Written by the creator of iBATIS, this practical book presents patterns and solutions that readers can apply immediately.iBATIS in Action shows Java developers how to tackle the problem of data persistence using the elegant iBATIS framework. iBATIS helps developers solve the problem of connecting- or mapping- relational databases to object-oriented code. An extensive running example presents reusable iBATIS patterns and common solutions. The sample application shows where iBATIS fits in a typical web application as well as how iBATIS integrates with other popular frameworks like Struts. iBATIS in Action focuses on solving existing problems without introducing new ones.In addition to showing what iBATIS does, iBATIS in Action also shows how iBATIS solves problems. Readers explore the driving design philosophy behind iBATIS as presented by iBATIS creator Clinton Begin.作者介绍:Clinton Begin is the creator of iBATIS. Clinton has been a professional software developer for eight years and currently works for ThoughtWorks. He is an active mentor, trainer, and public speaker in the IT industry. 目录: Part 1 Introduction1 The iBATIS philosophy2 What is iBATIS?Part 2 iBATIS basics3 Installing and configuring iBATIS4 Working with mapped statements5 Executing nonquery statements6 Using advanced query techniques7 Transactions8 Using Dynamic SQLPart 3 iBATIS in the real world9 Improving performance with caching10 iBATIS data access objects11 Doing more with DAO12 Extending iBATISPart 4 iBATIS recipes13 iBATIS best practices14 Putting it all together
