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发布时间: 2013-01-08
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中文名: 无线与手机网络安全原名: Wireless and Mobile Networks Security作者: Hakima Chaouchi, Maryline Laurent-Maknavicius资源格式: PDF版本: 插图版出版社: Wil.ey-IS.T.E书号: 1848211171发行时间: 2010年10月12日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 图书简介This book provides a thorough examination and analysis of cutting-edge research and security solutions in wireless and mobile networks. It begins with coverage of the basic security concepts and fundamentals which underpin and provide the knowledge necessary for understanding and evaluating security issues, challenges, and solutions. This material will be of invaluable use to all those working in the network security field, and especially to the many people entering the field. The next area of focus is on the security issues and available solutions associated with off-the-shelf wireless and mobile technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, WiMax, 2G, and 3G. There is coverage of the security techniques used to protect applications downloaded by mobile terminals through mobile cellular networks, and finally the book addresses security issues and solutions in emerging wireless and mobile technologies such as ad hoc and sensor networks, cellular 4G and IMS networks.这本书提供了一个彻底的检查和移动无线网络和先进的安全解决方案的研究和分析。它是从基本的安全概念和基本原理的支撑,并提供知识的理解和评价的安全问题,挑战和解决方案必要的覆盖面。这种材料的使用将是无价的所有那些在网络安全领域的工作,特别是进入该领域的许多人。下一步的重点领域是在安全问题和现成的,现成的无线和移动,如蓝牙,WiFi,WiMAX和的2G,3G技术和相关的可用的解决方案。 有用于保护移动终端通过移动蜂窝网络下载的应用程序的安全技术覆盖面,积书地址等新兴专案和传感器网络,蜂窝的4G和IMS网络的无线和移动技术的安全问题和解决方案。
