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中文名: Network Warrior 思科网络工程师必备手册 (第2版)原名: Network Warrior: Everything you need to know that wasn't on the CCNA exam, 2nd Edition作者: Gary A. Donahue资源格式: PDF出版社: O’Reilly书号: 978-1449387860发行时间: 2011年06月03日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:Pick up where certification exams leave off. With this practical, in-depth guide to the entire network infrastructure, you’ll learn how to deal with real Cisco networks, rather than the hypothetical situations presented on exams like the CCNA. Network Warrior takes you step by step through the world of routers, switches, firewalls, and other technologies based on the author's extensive field experience. You'll find new content for MPLS, IPv6, VoIP, and wireless in this completely revised second edition, along with examples of Cisco Nexus 5000 and 7000 switches throughout.Topics include:An in-depth view of routers and routingSwitching, using Cisco Catalyst and Nexus switches as examplesSOHO VoIP and SOHO wireless access point design and configurationIntroduction to IPv6 with configuration examplesTelecom technologies in the data-networking world, including T1, DS3, frame relay, and MPLSSecurity, firewall theory, and configuration, as well as ACL and authenticationQuality of Service (QoS), with an emphasis on low-latency queuing (LLQ)IP address allocation, Network Time Protocol (NTP), and device failures 作者介绍:Gary A. DonahueGary A. Donahue is a working consultant who has been in the computer industry for 25 years. Gary has worked as a programmer, mainframe administrator, Technical Assistance Center engineer, network administrator, network designer, and consultant. Gary has worked as the Director of Network Infrastructure for a national consulting company and has been the president of his own New Jersey consulting company; GAD Technologies. 目录: Chapter 1 What Is a Network?Chapter 2 Hubs and SwitchesChapter 3 AutonegotiationChapter 4 VLANsChapter 5 TrunkingChapter 6 VLAN Trunking ProtocolChapter 7 Link AggregationChapter 8 Spanning TreeChapter 9 Routing and RoutersChapter 10 Routing ProtocolsChapter 11 RedistributionChapter 12 TunnelsChapter 13 First Hop RedundancyChapter 14 Route MapsChapter 15 Switching Algorithms in Cisco RoutersChapter 16 Multilayer SwitchesChapter 17 Cisco 6500 Multilayer SwitchesChapter 18 Cisco NexusChapter 19 Catalyst 3750 FeaturesChapter 20 Telecom NomenclatureChapter 21 T1Chapter 22 DS3Chapter 23 Frame RelayChapter 24 MPLSChapter 25 Access ListsChapter 26 Authentication in Cisco DevicesChapter 27 Basic Firewall TheoryChapter 28 ASA Firewall ConfigurationChapter 29 WirelessChapter 30 VoIPChapter 31 Introduction to QoSChapter 32 Designing QoSChapter 33 The Congested NetworkChapter 34 The Converged NetworkChapter 35 Designing NetworksChapter 36 IP DesignChapter 37 IPv6Chapter 38 Network Time ProtocolChapter 39 FailuresChapter 40 GAD’s MaximsChapter 41 Avoiding Frustration
