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中文名: Linux宝典 2010版原名: Wiley Linux Bible 2010 Edition别名: Linux,Bible作者: Christopher Negus资源格式: PDF版本: 文字版出版社: Wiley书号: 978-0-470-48505-7发行时间: 2010年地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 本书全面地介绍了Linux的世界。全书共分为6个部分,从讲述基本的Linux概念、shell基本命令以及图形用户界面开始,一直到最后介绍Linux编程环境,每一部分都提供了主要命令的详细解释和流程说明。本书另外一个特别之处在于安排了很多章节来介绍各种流行的最新Linux发行版(多达12个)。另外,本书最后提供的大量参考资料可帮助您获得所需的各种知识。本书不仅可作为Linux新手的入门指南,而且对于Linux专业人员也极具参考价值。The definitive guide to the basics of one of the most popular operating systems in the worldWhether you're a first-time Linux user or you're migrating from another operating system, this book is an ideal introductory guide for getting comfortable with the building-block nature of Linux. Written by bestselling author Christopher Negus, this guide is packed with in-depth descriptions on the basics of Linux desktops, servers, and programming tools and gets you up to speed on all the new and exciting features of the newest version: Linux 2010. Negus walks you through transitioning from Windows or Mac and helps you find the Linux distribution that best meets your needs.You'll explore more than 18 Linux distributions, including the latest versions of Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, OpenSUSE, Slackware, Knoppix, Gentoo, Mandriva, SLAX, and more. Plus, you'll discover how to set up secure, fully functioning Linux server systems and get up-to-date installation advice.Topics Covered:* Getting off the Ground with Linux* Running a Linux Desktop* Learning System Administration Skills* Setting Up Linux Servers* Choosing and Installing Different Linux Distributions* Programming in Linux Linux Bible 2010 Edition walks you through the details of the various Linux distributions and updates you on the latest networking, desktop, and server enhancements. 目录: Introduction.Part I: Getting off the Ground with Linux.Chapter 1: Starting with Linux.Chapter 2: Linux Projects, Activities, and Careers.Part II: Running a Linux Desktop.Chapter 3: Getting into the Desktop.Chapter 4: Playing Music and Video.Chapter 5: Working with Words and Images.Chapter 6: E-Mailing and Web Browsing.Chapter 7: Gaming with Linux.Part III: Learning System Administration Skills.Chapter 8: Installing Linux.Chapter 9: Running Commands from the Shell.Chapter 10: Learning Basic Administration.Chapter 11: Getting on the Internet.Chapter 12: Securing Linux.Part IV: Setting Up Linux Servers.Chapter 13: R unning a Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP (LAMP) Server.Chapter 14: Running a Mail Server.Chapter 15: Running a Print Server.Chapter 16: Running a File Server.Part V: Choosing and Installing Different Linux Distributions.Chapter 17: Running Ubuntu Linux.Chapter 18: Running Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux.Chapter 19: Running Debian GNU/Linux.Chapter 20: Running SUSE and openSUSE Linux.Chapter 21: Running KNOPPIX.Chapter 22: Running Yellow Dog Linux.Chapter 23: Running Gentoo Linux.Chapter 24: Running Slackware Linux.Chapter 25: Running PCLinuxOS.Chapter 26: Running Mandriva.Chapter 27: Running a Linux Firewall Router.Chapter 28: Running Bootable Linux Distributions.Part VI: Programming in Linux.Chapter 29: Programming Environments and Interfaces.Chapter 30: Programming Tools and Utilities.Appendix A: Media.Appendix B: Linux History and Background.GNU General Public License (Version 2).
