资源大小: 12.5MB
发布时间: 2013-01-19
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 7




中文名: 深入了解WordPress原名: WordPress In Depth作者: Bud Smith资源格式: PDF版本: 插图版出版社: Que书号: 0789742756发行时间: 2010年02月21日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容简介:引用WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL 数据库的服务器上架设自己的网志。也可以把 WordPress 当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。WordPress 是一个免费的开源项目,在GNU通用公共许可证下授权发布。目前最新版本为2009年12月19日发布的2.9版。 WordPress 被认为是Michel Valdrighi所开发的网志平台b2/cafelog的正式继承者。“WordPress”这个名字出自 Christine Selleck 的主意,他是主要开发者Matt Mullenweg的朋友。目录: Table of ContentsIntroduction 1Part I: Getting Started with Your BlogChapter 1: Getting Started with WordPress 9Chapter 2: Starting Your Blog Right 27Chapter 3: Creating Your Blog’s Look 51Part II: Running Your BlogChapter 4: Creating Your First Post 81Chapter 5: Taking Posts Further 101Chapter 6: Using HTML in Your Widgets and Blog 123Chapter 7: Adding Features to Your Blog 147Chapter 8: Tracking Statistics and Bringing In Visitors 167Part III: Taking Your Blog FurtherChapter 9: Adding Graphics to Your Posts 191Chapter 10: Adding Upgrades, Audio, and Video 209Part IV: Building Your Own WordPress InstallationChapter 11: Installing and Upgrading WordPress Software 229Chapter 12: The WordPress Toolkit: Themes 257Chapter 13: The WordPress Toolkit: Plug-Ins 271Chapter 14: Style Sheets for Building Themes 287Chapter 15: PHP Basics: Themes and Plug-Ins 321Part V: AppendicesAppendix A: WordPress.com Versus WordPress.org 349Appendix B: WordPress Documentation 357Appendix C: Examples of WordPress Blogs 363Appendix D: Examples of WordPress.com Blogs 367Appendix E: WordPress Site Maps 371Appendix F: Importing Content from Other Systems 385Index 391
