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中文名: jQuery实战(第二版)原名: jQuery.in.Action.2ndEdition作者: Bear BibeaultYehuda Katz资源格式: PDF版本: 第2版出版社: MANNING书号: ISBN 978-1-935182-32-0发行时间: 2010年地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容简介  《jQuery实战》全面介绍jQuery知识,展示如何遍历HTML文档、处理事件、执行动画以及给网页添加Ajax。书中紧紧地围绕“用实际的示例来解释每一个新概念”这一宗旨,生动描述了jQuery如何与其他工具和框架交互以及如何生成jQuery插件。jQuery 是目前最受欢迎的JavaScript/Ajax库之一,能用最少的代码实现最多的功能。第二版包含了jQuery 1.4 和 jQuery UI 1.8 两部分。 编辑推荐  《jQuery实战》适合各层次Web开发人员。  jQuery之父强烈推荐;Amazon五星盛誉图书;深入剖析jQuery内部工作机制;提升Web开发效率的捷径。  jQuery是目前应用最广泛的优秀开源JavaScript/Ajax框架之一,已经成为微软ASP.NET、Visual Studio和诺基亚Web Run Time等主流开发平台的组成部分。借助jQuery的魔力。数十行JavaScript代码可以被神奇地压缩成区区几行。多少Web开发人员在那一瞬间深深地迷恋上了这个方便快捷、功能完备的利器。  《jQuery实战》是带领你自如驾驭jQuery的导航者。替你肃清学习和编程路上的各种障碍。在这里,你不仅能深入学习jQuery的各种特性和技巧,还能领略到jQuery的内部工作机制和插件体系结构以及背后的各种策略和理论,学会怎样与其他工具和框架交互。有了jQuery和这《jQuery实战》,你不需要再费心劳力地纠缠于各种高深复杂的JavaScript技巧,只需要使用层迭样式表、XHTML以及普通的JavaScript知识,就能直接操作页面元素,实现更快速更高效的Web开发。 目录: Contents--------------------------------------------------------------------------------list of lab pagesforeword to the first editionpreface to the second editionpreface to the first editionacknowledgmentsabout this bookabout the authorsabout the cover illustrationPart 1 Core jQueryChapter 1 Introducing jQueryPower in the economy of codeUnobtrusive JavaScriptjQuery fundamentalsSummaryChapter 2 Selecting the elements upon which to actSelecting elements for manipulationGenerating new HTMLManaging the wrapped element setSummaryChapter 3 Bringing pages to life with jQueryWorking with element properties and attributesChanging element stylingSetting element contentDealing with form element valuesSummaryChapter 4 Events are where it happens!Understanding the browser event modelsThe jQuery Event ModelPutting events (and more) to workSummaryChapter 5 Energizing pages with animations and effectsShowing and hiding elementsAnimating the display state of elementsCreating custom animationsAnimations and QueuingSummaryChapter 6 Beyond the DOM with jQuery utility functionsUsing the jQuery flagsUsing other libraries with jQueryManipulating JavaScript objects and collectionsMiscellaneous utility functionsSummaryChapter 7 Expand your reach by extending jQueryWhy extend jQuery?The jQuery plugin authoring guidelinesWriting custom utility functionsAdding new wrapper methodsSummaryChapter 8 Talk to the server with AjaxBrushing up on AjaxLoading content into elementsMaking GET and POST requestsTaking full control of an Ajax requestPutting it all togetherSummaryPart 2 jQuery UIChapter 9 Introducing jQuery UI: themes and effectsConfiguring and downloading the UI libraryjQuery themes and stylingjQuery UI EffectsAdvanced positioningSummaryChapter 10 jQuery UI mouse interactions: Follow that mouse!Dragging things aroundDropping dragged things/ Sorting stuffChanging the size of thingsMaking things selectableSummaryChapter 11 jQuery UI widgets: Beyond HTML controlsButtons and buttonsetsSlidersProgress barsAutocompletersDate pickersTabsAccordionsDialog boxesSummaryThe end?appendix : JavaScript that you need to know but might not!
