资源大小: 14.69MB
发布时间: 2012-12-29
文件格式: pdf
下载次数: 4




中文名: iOS Recipes (第1版)原名: iOS Recipes: Tips and Tricks for Awesome iPhone and iPad Apps作者: Paul WarrenMatt Drance资源格式: PDF版本: 英文文字版/更新EPUB版本/更新源代码出版社: Pragmatic Bookshelf书号: 978-1-93435-674-6发行时间: 2011年07月07日地区: 美国语言: 英文简介: 内容介绍:Take your iPhone and iPad apps to the next level. You’ve seen cool features and tricks in other apps, but haven’t had the time to really look into how they’re done. We’ve got the answers for you. This book walks you through clean, reusable solutions to a wide variety of problems and patterns common to iOS development with Cocoa Touch and Objective-C. With these recipes in your arsenal, your next apps will be more polished and more maintainable than ever. 目录: Basic UI RecipesAdd a Basic Splash Screen TransitionStylize Your Splash Screen TransitionAnimate a Custom Notification ViewCreate Reusable Toggle ButtonsForm Rounded Views with Textured ColorsPut Together a Reusable Web ViewCustomize Sliders and Progress ViewsShape a Custom Gesture RecognizerCreate Self-contained Alert ViewsMake a Label for Attributed StringsScroll an Infinite Wall of Album Art excerptPlay Tracks from a Wall of Album ArtHave Fun with Autoscrolling Text ViewsCreate a Custom Number ControlTable and Scroll View RecipesSimplify Table Cell Production excerptUse Smart Table Cells in a NibLocate Table Cell SubviewsOrganize Complex Table ViewsProduce Two-Tone Table ViewsAdd Border Shadows for Table ViewsPlace Static Content in a Zoomable Scroll ViewBuild a Carousel Paging Scroll ViewGraphics RecipesDraw Gradient Filled Bezier PathsCreate Dynamic Images With Multiple AnimationsMake Composited and Transformed ViewsAnimate a Gradient LayerReshape ShadowsDisplay Animated ViewsConstruct a Simple EmitterCurl the Page to a New ViewNetworking RecipesTame the Network Activity Indicator excerptSimplify Web Service ConnectionsFormat a Simple HTTP POSTUpload Files Over HTTPRuntime RecipesLeverage Modern Objective-C Class DesignProduce Intelligent Debug OutputDesign Smarter User Defaults AccessScan and Traverse View HierarchiesInitialize a Basic Data ModelStore Data in a Category
